She just wanted - had always wanted - a good book to read. Being chased by hellhounds and blowing things up were comparatively unimportant parts of the job. Getting the books - now, that was what *really* mattered to her.

Genevieve Cogman
About This Quote

The quote above is from the Gormenghast Trilogy by Mervyn Peake. The books are about the life of Titus Groan, an apprentice who is selected to take on the position of King Titus in the titular castle, which is more of a medieval-like prison than a real kingdom.

Source: The Invisible Library

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  5. She just wanted - had always wanted - a good book to read. Being chased by hellhounds and blowing things up were comparatively unimportant parts of the job. Getting the books - now, that was what *really* mattered to her.

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